6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 978 -OutlineUsers can maintenance the IED with LCD screen and several keys. PC monitor is possiblewhen Local PC is connected with the IED via USB port. In this section, we will discuss thedetails of Human Machine Interface (HMI): operation keys, LEDs, Function keys, and menu-hierarchy for the LDC screen operations.(i) Front PanelThere are a screen (LCD), LEDs (LED1–14), Function keys ( F1 to F5), Operation keys, andUSB port.LEDsFunction keysIndicator labelOperation keysUSB portLCD screenFigure 12.1-1 Front Panel(ii) LCD screenThe user can see detailed internal data such as settings, records, and monitor information.LCD screen will turn on when an operation key is pressed (i.e., LCD is normally blacked out).When top menu is displayed, but user’s operation is idle for some time, LCD itself will beblacked out. If the user wishes to turn off the top menu, press Operation key ◄; then, the LCDwill be backed out. The user can turn on LCD again if pressing any key except CLEAR.(iii) LEDsLED color is selectable and the user can place preferred label at the LED. Table 12.1-1 showscolors and label names at respective LEDs. Note that the first and second LEDs are defined inadvance; hence, the user cannot set color and label name.