6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 974 -Miscellaneous11.8.1 Forcibly signal control functionWhen the point-to-point test is carried out, it is necessary to generate the original signal of thetransmission signal in order to confirm that the send / receive of the transmission signal isgood. However, if it will take time and effort to generate the original signal, the point-to-pointtest cannot be done easily.The forcibly signal control function is a means that the user can have the point-to-point testeasy.(i) Overview of the functionFigure 11.8-1 shows the scheme logic of the forcibly control function and the overview ofapplication.In the case the user wants to send arbitrary signals (e.g., GOOSE messages of IEC 61850), theuser can define not to send the original signal and define to send “OUT_FSC**” instead of theoriginal in the forcibly signal control function. The original signals are connected to the forciblysignal control function by using PLC logic, as Figure 11.8-1. The “OUT_FSC**” signals can beforcibly controlled for generation / non-generation by the LCD screen.IN_FSC01********** OUT_FSC01FSC OP [ENTER]FSC01-SET OnOffNormalIN_FSC02********** OUT_FSC02OnOffNormalIN_FSC03********** OUT_FSC03OnOffNormal& OUT_FSC32≥1OnOffNormal 1Forcibly Signal Control FunctionFSC02-SETFSC03-SETFSC32-SETIN_FSC32**********(original) signaluser want to send connectusing PLC&&& ≥11&&& ≥11&&& ≥11&&SIMBIT GENERATIONSend OUT_FSC01instead oforiginal signalFigure 11.8-1 Scheme logic and application