6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 97 -energized quantity (I) falls below the threshold setting [OCN1], the element operation willreturn to its reset stage after the time t(I) calculated in Equation (2.5-5).Energizing currentPickup threshold in relayMeasuring quantity 0 ATime →Inverse-time-reset characteristicStage to elementreturnIntegratorTrip signalDefinite-time-reset characteristicIntegratorSetting[*-Rtimer]=DEFReset timeIntegration will be kept in timer [TOCN1R].The integration will be reset when the energizing currentdoes not become larger than [OCN1] in [TOCN1R].The integration will be deceased depending on the[OCN1-RTMS-*] reset characteristics.Setting[*-Rtimer]=DEPStage to elementreturnTrip signalThe integration will start again when the energizing currentbecomes larger than [OCN1] within [TOCN1R].[OCN1] thresholdEnergizing currentcleared by trippingFigure 2.5-5 Inverse-time-reset characteristics(vi) Reset time of DTIn the DT characteristic, the reset time is designed to be instant.(vii) Summary of OCN operationTable 2.5-3 shows a summary for OCN operation. Note that DEF will be set unconditionally inIEC-NI, VI, EI and UK-LTI characteristics (†).Table 2.5-3 Type and standard board in the OCN1 (A tick represents a selectable function)Characteristics DT IDMTIEC-NI IEC-VI IEC-EI UK-LTI IEEE-MI IEEE-VI IEEE-EI US-CO2 US-CO8 OriginalScheme switch [OCN1-Timer]DT ✓IEC-NI ✓IEC-VI ✓IEC-EI ✓UK LTI ✓IEEE-MI ✓IEEE-VI ✓IEEE-EI ✓US-CO2 ✓US-CO8 ✓Original ✓