6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 461 -The DPSY01 function can issue a “Result” signal at the output point “DPSY01_SLD_CSCN”.(iii) Operate condition for the counterFigure 4.1-36 illustrates the operate condition logic. The DPSY01 function can determine anoperate-condition using a signal received from “Control hierarchy”. The Control hierarchycondition is provided by user-programmed PLC logic (i.e., 43R/L); the user must connect thecontrol-hierarchy with the DPSY01 function using connection point “DPSY01IN_TMP_47” (seeTable 4.1-25).Operate conditionTo counter logicFrom Control hierarchyDPSY01IN_TMP_47511001 800201ED5A&1≥DPSY01 function (Function ID: 511001)Detection of serious errorsCBK_STATECommand blocking*1Double Command Blocking detected*2Other devices traveling detected*3DCB RCV ORTraveling ORSERI_ERRUnmatched condition detected *4= DPSY01_SC_ST_ERRFrom CMNCTRLFigure 4.1-36 Operate condition logic for changing the counter in DPSY011Note: “Command Blocking” disables all operation except for its own; the “CommandBlocking” function is initiated by the status of “CBK” in a software switchcontroller (SOTFSW). The IEC 61850 standard defines the “Command Blocking”function as “CmdBlk”. For more information on “CBK”, see ChapterControl andmonitoring application: Software switch controller. See the signal““S4301_STATE” of Table 4.1-6.2Note: “Double Command Blocking” (DCB) is an operation philosophy. It can be used toprotect the substation. The user can program it using GR-TIEMS. The DCBoperating signal is denoted as “DCB RCV OR) in Table 4.1-6.3Note: If the event “device-travelling” is detected, it indicates that another operator ischanging the status of a device. Thus, the IED should inhibit the operation of anydevice for the duration that the event is detected. The detecting signal is denotedas “Travelling OR” in Table 4.1-6.4Note: If the issue of a trip command is executed by the IED, any control operation isblocked until the trip operation is completed. If an IED includes a relayapplication, the trip command is issued at the output-point “GEN.TRIP” in Table4.1-6.