6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 519 -DPOS01 function (Function ID: 512001)Assign to BOsOperate Cmd.with ILK† conditionSR0.1 – 50.0 s[DPOS01-CPW]Operate Cmd.without ILK† conditionOperate condition‡[DPOS01-LGCTRCON]FixedlogicFixedlogic[DPOS01-LGCFEXOT]Command “PLC-On-Control” requiring ILK† check(PLC#3 connection point)ILK† condition (“ON”) passedDPOS01-CloseDPOS01IN_TMP_35512001 810301EE57User configurable condition(PLC#1 connection point)“DPOS01_OEC_OK_CSF”(512001 8003011E7F)& & 1≥&1≥ 1≥ &&&“DPOS01_OEX_BO” §§(512001 8203011DD3)Input OutputOperate logic in DPOS01To BO connection“DPOS01_OEC_OK_CS”(512001 8103011E82)[DPOS01-PLSM]*FixVarOperate Failed[DPOS01-RST]“DPOS01_OEC_OK_CSF”“DPOS01_EX_FFL” ††(512001 8603011E91)To “Wait for a command”&Detection of state-change in a device&DPOS01IN_TMP_42512001 820301EE5EUser configurable condition(PLC#2 connection point) 1≥&“DPOS01_EX_CMP”(512001 8003011E93)Operate Completed1.0s- 100.0s0 tDEV01_CL_INTERLOCK512001 800301EE33Command “PLC-On-Control” not requiring ILK† check(PLC#4 connection point)DEV01_CL_COMMAND512001 800301EE32Figure 4.2-28 Operate On by the PLC function in DPOS01†††Note:The ILK function can provide the operation criteria for “On”.‡Note:An “operate condition” signal is generated in the operate-condition logic (seeFigure 4.2-31), when Fixlogic is set for scheme switch [DPOS01-LGCTRCON]. Ifan alternative “operate-condition” programmed by the user is required in place ofthe signal generated by the original operate-condition logic, connect thealternative “operate-condition” to the logic shown in Figure 4.2-28 usingconnection point #1 “User configurable condition”. That is set the scheme switch[DPOS01-LGCTRCON] to PLC and use “DPOS01IN_TMP_35”.§§Note: The “DPOS01_OEX_BO” signal is issued when Fixedlogic is set for schemeswitch [DPOS01-LGCFEXOT]. If the signal is to be issued from the logicprogrammed by the user instead of the logic shown in Figure 4.2-20, connect the“Operate completed” signal generated in the user-programmed logic to connectionpoint #2 “User configurable condition”. That is, set the scheme switch [DPOS01-LGCFEXOT] to PLC and use “DPOS01IN_TMP_42”.*Note:The user can select a type of output signal. When Var is set for scheme switch[DPOS01-PLSM], the output period of the signal is defined by the setting appliedto [DPOS01-CPW]. When Fix is set, the signal ceases when the 43-switch ischanged.