6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 156 -Pick-up characteristicThe IDMT characteristic is applied when the operation of the UVS1 element is requiredinversely in accordance with the level of input voltage. The IDMT characteristic curve isillustrated in Figure 2.14-2 using a value of time multiplier is set for [UV1-TMS]. It is followedto Equation (2.14-1) in conformed in IEC 60255-127𝐭(𝐆) = 𝐓𝐌𝐒 × [ 𝟏(𝑽 𝑽𝒔⁄ ) − 𝟏] (2.14-1)where,t = operating time (seconds),V = energizing voltage (voltage),Vs = pickup voltage setting (voltage),TMS = time multiplier setting.Figure 2.14-2 IDMT characteristics curves depending on TMSDrop-off characteristicThe user should set the time for resetting in the IDMT characteristic. Figure 2.14-3 showsexamples of the pick-up and the drop-off relevant to both the fault occurrences and the1.00010.000100.0001000.0000 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Operating Time (secs)Applied Voltage (x Vs)Undervoltage Inverse Time CurvesTMS=5TMS=10TMS=2TMS=1