6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 36 -OC_MV (Function ID: 440081)Setting items Range Unit Contents Default NoteOC4-DPR 10 - 100 % OC4 drop-out/pick-up ratio 100OC4-TMS-ORG 0.010 - 50.000 - OC4 time multiplier of ORG inverse curve 1.000OC4-Rtimer DEF / DEP - OC4 reset delay type of US DEFTOC4R 0.00 - 300.00 s OC4 definite time reset delay 0.00OC4-RTMS-ORG 0.010 - 50.000 - OC4 dependent reset time multiplier of ORGinverse curve 1.000OC4-k 0.00000 - 500.00000 - OC4 user original curve coefficient 0.00000OC4-a 0.00000 - 10.00000 - OC4 user original curve coefficient 0.00000OC4-c 0.00000 - 10.00000 - OC4 user original curve coefficient 0.00000OC4-kr 0.00000 - 500.00000 - OC4 user original curve coefficient 0.00000OC4-b 0.00000 - 10.00000 - OC4 user original curve coefficient 0.00000Output OC4-2fBlk Non / Block-AllP /Block-PerP - OC4 operation block by 2f-detection NonOC4-VTFBlk Non / Block - OC4 operation block by VTF NonOC4-OPMD 3POR / 2OUTOF3 - OC4 operation mode 3POROC4-UseFor Trip / Alarm - OC4 used for trip or alarm TripOC4-ARCBlk Non / Block - Autoreclose block by OC4 BlockOC4-Act-Stop Off / On - Enabling OC4 calculation the motor whenmotor status is in stop status OffOC4-Act-Start Off / On - Enabling OC4 calculation the motor whenmotor status is in start-up status OffOC4-Act-Run Off / On - Enabling OC4 calculation the motor whenmotor status is in running status Off