6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 284 -(iv) Phase angle differenceThe phase difference between the running voltage and the incoming voltage (θ) issmaller than the SYN1 setting:VB × VL cosθ ≥ 0VB × VL sin ([SYN-Angle]) ≥ VB × VL sin θ(v) Notice and tipsIf the frequency difference between the VL and the VB is shown very large, theVCHK may fail to make the decision for the synchronism, although Off is set for the[SYN-dfEN] to abandon checking the frequency difference. This is because; thevector passes the [SYN1-Angle] zone very quickly. As a result, the VCHK may failto issue the permission command. To avoid the failure, the user has to set values forsettings [SYN-Angle] and [T_SYN] depending on the assumed frequency difference(Δf):∆f > Setting [SYN-Angle]180° × Setting [T_SYN] (2.25-1)where,Δf= Frequency-difference (or cycle-slip in Hertz)Tips: Cycles for the synchronism closure can be calculated:Cycle for synchronism = 1 ∆f[Hz]⁄ (2.25-2)Time length for getting a synchronism:Time = 2 × Setting [SYN-Angle]360° × 1∆f[Hz] (2.25-3)Check time for the synchronism:Setting [T_SYN] < 2 × Setting [SYN-Angle]360° × 1∆f[Hz] (2.25-4)Equations rearrangements:Setting [T_SYN] < Setting [SYN-Angle]180° × 1∆f[Hz] (2.25-5)