6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 1107 -838 Testing in Beh=Blocked na844 MFLK.PhPiMax, MFLK.PhPiLoFil, MFLK.PhPiRoot DEL->WYEna877 QVUB -settings should be optional na908 ARIS.StrSeq – transient na909 Remove ANCR.ColOpR and ColOpL na912 Clarification of PwrRtg/VARtg na920 Resetable Counter is NOT resetable na932 Rename AVCO.SptVol to AVCO.VolSpt na933 Presence of LCCH.RedFerCh and RedRxCnt na939 Change CDC for ANCR.FixCol na991 LGOS: GoCBRef (as well as LSVS.SvCBRef) should bemandatory Y1007 PTRC as fault indicator - Update of description required na1044 TapChg in AVCO na1077 Rename DOnames within LTIM na1256 New DO for LTIM to set time "manually” na1331 Mod, Beh and Health with q=TEST, client can't receive theirstates Y1426 Add two DO for leap seconds in LTIM na1456 Annex A and Mod/Beh/Health Y1568 ISAF.AlmReset ->transient naNote: Tissues 675, 735, 772, 775, 776, 878 are not relevant for conformance testing