6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 426 -This logic has the input-point “DEV01_CONTROL_REQ” for the reception of a selectcommand. That is, the input-point must be mapped for communication. The function will failto operate if mapping is not performed correctly. We will discuss how to map the input-pointsfor IEC61850 communication in section 4.1.7.Output signal to BOThe DPSY01 function can issue an output signal “Selection success” at the output point“DPSY01_OSL_BO_FLG”, when the DPSY01 function determines that the “Remote-Closing-Control” signal received is true. If the DPSY01 function determines that the “Remote-Closing-Control” signal is not true, the DPSY01 function returns to the “Wait for a command” stage.The user should note that the operation decision of the SYNDIF01 function is requiredfor the DPSY01 function; the operation decision is determined by the measurement of runningvoltage and incoming voltage. Table 4.1-1 shows the relay-elements used in the SYNDIF01function.Table 4.1-1 Voltage checking elements in SYNDIF01Relay-Element DescriptionSyncRy1-VR Running Voltage channel selector for DPSY01SyncRy1-VI Incoming Voltage channel selector for DPSY01OVR1 Voltage for checking Live-Running Voltage for DPSY01UVR1 Voltage for checking Dead-Running Voltage for DPSY01OVI1 Voltage for checking Live-Incoming Voltage for DPSY01UVI1 Voltage for checking Dead-Incoming Voltage for DPSY01