6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 590 -Table 4.4-7 Signals generated in control functionsControlfunctionDevice status generated by the controlfunction described on the left column “stVal” transposed in the nodeDPOS0x40(Open) 0† 0x40‡ 1§0x80(Close) 1† 0x80‡ 0§“device status” except “0x40” and “0x80” 0BIsignal 0(off) 0†Note: Values are altered when “AND”, “OR”, or “NOT” is applied as an interlockoperator.‡Note: Values are altered when “COMP” is applied as an interlock operator.§Note: Values are altered when the DPOS output is an inverted signal.4.4.4 Configuration of Interlock formulaeInterlock-check formulae should be stored in the Interlock database, as shown in Figure 4.4-1.These formulae are configured using GR-TIEMS†, and are uploaded into the ILK interlockdatabase.†Note:The configuration of interlock-check formulae is discussed separately. See chapterEngineering tool: Interlock configurator (→p. 706).