6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 599 -ΔΔ reducingΔ increasingΔ nearzeroVr†Vi‡ViViViFigure 4.5-4 Permissible ranges for connections between asynchronous networks†Note: Vr is the voltage on a running line.‡Note: Vi is the voltage on an incoming line.Table 4.5-2 Settings in SYNCHK_Ry1Setting Name Description Default Setting item or valueSyncRy1-Angle Checking angle variance 30 degrees 0 to 75 degreesSyncRy1-dV Checking voltage variance 150V 0 to 150 VSyncRy1-df Checking frequency variance 1Hz 0.01 to 2 HzSyncRy1-TCB Advance time for SYNCHK01 – SecondsSYNC01_TSYN Sync check timer for loop system 10s 0.00 to 100.00 sSyncRy1-dfEN Diff. frequency for the checking SyncRy1 enable Off Off / On(i) Synchronism-relays (SyncRy1-dV, SyncRy1-df, SyncRy1-dθ)Synchronism-relays, SyncRy1-dV, SyncRy1-df, and SyncRy1-dθ are provided; the settingranges for these relays are shown in Table 4.5-2.Voltage-variance (ΔV) (see Figure 4.5-3)The voltage-variance between Vr and Vi (|𝑉𝑟 − 𝑉𝑖|) is measured by the voltage-variance relay-element having a setting [SyncRy1-dV]. If equation (4.5-3) is satisfied together with theconditions stipulated in equations (4.5-2) and (4.5-3), the SyncRy1-dV relay determines thatthe voltage-variance is inside the permissible range.𝑉r ≥ Setting [OVR1] (4.5-1)𝑉i ≥ Setting [OVI1] (4.5-2)|𝑉𝑟 − 𝑉𝑖| ≤ Setting [SyncRy1-dV] (4.5-3)