6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 374 -✓ SBOw✓ Oper✓ Cancel✓ Origin✓ stSeld✓ sboClass† (choice ”operate-once”)✓ ctlmodel (choice ”SBOes or SBOns”)†”sboClass” can be found by scrolling down.Figure 3.4-11 LN editing for SBO mode (for example)Defining DIR modeFigure 3.4-12 exemplifies the LEDR logic node saved as LLN0. In the DIR mode, the followingthree items should be selected using GR-TIEMS:✓ Oper✓ origin✓ ctlmodel (choice ”DOes or DOns” )Figure 3.4-12 LN editing for DIR mode (for example)(ii) Mapping output dataThe user should group the OPTR signals with regard to GOOSE and Report; the user shouldmap them for IEC61850 communication using GR-TIEMS. Figure 3.4-13 illustrates how tomap a signal for IEC61850 communication; it indicates that the signals for the LEDR function