6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 307 -Automatic transfer operation (ATO)Automatic transfer operation (ATO) is the function to issue CB open and CB close commandsautomatically to change the lines for power reception, when a fault has occurred at substitution.ATO commands shall be customized depending on the lines; hence, the user can describe themseparately depending the circuit architectures.Figure 2.27-1 shows an example about switching electric power system by the ATO commands.The ATO sequence is shown from Step 1 to Step3:(a) Step1: Before ATO operationPower is fed from Source-A via Line-1, whereas another power is fed from Source-B via Line-2.(b) Step2: Fault occurrence on Line-1A fault is occurring on Line-1, then CB-A is tripped. It will stop the power feedingfrom Source-A.(c) Step3: ATO actionATO function issues CB close command to CB-T, so CB-T is closed. Accordingly,Line-1 can receive the power from Source-B.CB-TCB-ADSCB-BSource-A Source-BTr-A Tr-BDSLine-1 Line-2CB-TCB-ADSCB-BSource-A Source-BTr-A Tr-BDSFaultLine-1 Line-2CB-TCB-ADSCB-BSource-A Source-BTr-A Tr-BDSLine-1 Line-2(a) Step1 (b) Step2 (c) Step3Figure 2.27-1 Switching electric power system by ATO operation (Examples)The ATO function has several settings and condition points to check customized PLC logics.Consequently, the ATO application can serve on versatile substation architectures.