6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 1035 -Ordering positions7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L- 5 1 - 6 M P - 0 0 - L L - 5 1 - A A 0VCT4ASystem frequecy (fn) will be set with the settingRated current (In) will be set with the setingFigure 13.3-2 How to read VCT type, frequency, and rated current using the code (sample)Note: The user shall set a rated current (In) and a system frequency (fn). See ChapterTechnical description (→page. 626) to learn how to set them.(iii) Combination of VCT and BIOsThe transformer module (VCT) is located at the right slot (e.g., at ‘VC’ in Figure 13.3-3).Identify a code at Position ‘7’ to know the VCT type (e.g., VCT4A is mounted in accordance withthe code at Position ‘7’).The user can check the layout of the binary input and output modules (BI, BO, or BIO)using the ordering codes. For example, the user can find MV-BI1 and MV-BO1 modules, theordering cords “M1” at Positions A&B, are mounted in IED. The user can also read theconfiguration with IO configuration label.Ordering positions7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L- 5 1 - 5 M 1 - 0 0 - L L - 5 1 - A A 0T2 T1 VC[IO#1]C3C1 C2VCT4AIL112IL234IL356Ie78VL1910VL21112VL31314Ve1516Vs1718MV-BI121BI1(+)(-)43BI2(+)(-)5(+)BI36(+)BI47(+)BI58(+)BI69(+)BI710(+)BI811(+)BI912(+)BI1013(+)BI1114(+)BI1215(+)BI1316(+)BI1417(+)BI15(-) 182019FailMV-BO1BO112BO234BO356BO478BO5910BO61112BO71314BO81516(-) 2019(+)DC/DC1718 GND100BASE-TX1000BASE-T100BASE-TX1000BASE-TFigure 13.3-3 IO configuration label sample (viewing from the back)