6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 245 -CB fails to be closed.GEN.TRIPARC IN-PROGARC-S1 IN-PROGARC SHOT1 Dead time [TSHOT]ARC CLOSE COMMAND [TCCW])CB Status ClosedOpenARC CLOSE SUCCESSARC CLOSE FAILCB ALLPHCLOSEFault currentARC FTARC-S2 IN-PROGARC SHOT2ARC-S3 IN-PROGARC SHOT3[TARCSUC])Relay operationOperatedIssuedClosedOpenFigure 2.22-11 Single shot scheme [ARCNUM]=S1 for an Arcing fault; CB fails to recloseNote: As described in Chapter 2.22.4(iii), the permissive signal ‘ARC-VCHK’ is requiredfor the ARC SHOT1 operation, but is omitted here for the sake of clarity.(iii) Single shot scheme for Permanent faultFigure 2.22-12 illustrates the behavior of the single shot scheme for a permanent fault.Tripping of the CB is executed correctly, but a further trip occurs following the reclosure of theCB. Accordingly, the ARC function determines that the ARC operation cannot restore powertransmission in the single shot scheme; subsequently the ARC function goes to the final trip(FT) stage.GEN.TRIPARC IN-PROGARC-S1 IN-PROGARC SHOT1 Dead time [TSHOT]ARC CLOSE COMMAND [TCCW])CB Status ClosedOpenARC CLOSE SUCCESSARC CLOSE FAILCB ALLPHCLOSEFault currentARC FTARC-S2 IN-PROGARC SHOT2ARC-S3 IN-PROGARC SHOT3Relay operationOperatedIssuedClosedOpenFigure 2.22-12 Single shot ARC scheme [ARCNUM]=S1 for Permanent faultNote: As described in Chapter 2.22.4(iii), the permissive signal ‘ARC-VCHK’ is requiredfor the ARC SHOT1 operation, but is omitted here for the sake of clarity.