6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 544 -4.2.7 Mapping for IEC61850 communicationThe user can operate the DPOS function over IEC 61850 communications following mappingusing GR-TIEMS. Note that the DPOS function is designed for the class of “Double PointController (DPC)” in the IEC 61850 standard for communication. The user should follow thesesteps, each of which is discussed below:Step1: Editing Logical NodeStep2: Mapping output dataStep3: Mapping input data(i) Editing Logical NodeThe user will need to create a logical node (LN) for the DPOS01 function. Figure 4.2-52exemplifies the editing of a LN; the LN “Common Switch controller (CSWI)” is chosen for theDPOS01 function. After the user has defined an object “DPC”, the DPOS01 logical node can besaved with the name “CSWI” plus “LN Instance”. Create a definition of the object “DPC” in theDPOS01 logical node. Either the SBO mode or the DIR mode can be chosen in the editing forthe LN.SBO defined in LNFigure 4.2-52 Defining “DPC” object in CSWI4 logic node