6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 605 -561081 8201001B62OVR159rUVR127rOVI159iUVI127i561081 8001001B63561081 8301001B60561081 8101001B61&&&&DRLI1: Running-line out-of-service & Incoming-line in-serviceDRDI1: Both Running-line and Incoming-line out-of-serviceLRDI1: Running-line in service & Incoming-line out-of-serviceLDLI1: Both Running-line and Incoming-line in-serviceTo SYNCHKFigure 4.5-8 Line-outage check logic in SYNCHK_Ry1561081 8202001B62OVR259rUVR227rOVI259iUVI227i561081 8002001B63561081 8302001B60561081 8102001B61&&&&DRLI2: Running-line out-of-service & Incoming-line in-serviceDRDI2: Both Running-line and Incoming-line out-of-serviceLRDI2: Running-line in service & Incoming-line out-of-serviceLDLI2: Both Running-line and Incoming-line in-serviceTo SYNCHKFigure 4.5-9 Line-outage check logic in SYNCHK_Ry2Table 4.5-4 Voltage condition settings in SYNCHK1Setting Name Description Default Setting item or valueSYNC01_TLRDIDRLI Voltage check timer (LRDI, DRLI) 5s 0.00 to 5.00sSYNC01_TDRDI Voltage check timer (DRDI) 5s 0.00 to 5.00sSYNC01_LRDIEN CB close enable for LRDI On Off/OnSYNC01_DRLIEN CB close enable for DRLI On Off/OnSYNC01_DRDIEN CB close enable for DRDI On Off/On(ii) Check logic and settingsFigure 4.5-10 shows the SYNCHK1 logic. When the DPSY01 function confirms the receptionof a selection-command, the DPSY01 function issues a “DPSY01_OSE_RCV” signal to theSYNCHK1 function. Then the SYNCHK1 function commences with the check for the voltagecondition by introducing the results of the SYNCHK_Ry function. As described previously, fourvoltage conditions are considered, the user should select the voltage-conditions required by theapplication. The SYNCHK1 logic provides two permissive signals: “SYNC01_SLD_VCS” signaland “SYNC01_SYN_CLC” signal.