6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 70 -(ISEF) for stage 1 with the setting [SEF1] when the scheme switch [SEF1-Dir]=Forward. Settingof the sensing angle (θ) is configured by the setting [SEF1-Angle] with the value of θ set in therange of -90 – 90°. Figure 2.4-2 shows an example of an angle and a characteristic using the θ.The operation of the SEF element is based upon the following equation.Ie ≥ ISEF (2.4-1)Ie × cos (φ − |θ|) ≥ 0 (2.4-2)Ve ≥ SEF_Vpol (2.4-3)whereIe = Residual currentVe = Residual voltageVpol = reference voltage (or polarizing voltage; Ve180°)φ= lagging angleθ = SEF1 setting angle ([SEF1-Angle])ISEF = Setting value of the SEF1 element ([SEF1])SEF_Vpol = Setting value of the polarizing voltage ([SEF1-Vpol])Note: In the case of an internal fault, the phase angle is equal to the angle of the zero-sequence impedance of the system, in a directly earthed system this value is inthe range of approximately 50° to 90°. The sensing angle θ of the SEF element canbe set between -90° to 90°. The minimum voltage necessary to maintaindirectionality should be applied from 0.5 to 100.0 V.