6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 98 -Characteristics DT IDMTIEC-NI IEC-VI IEC-EI UK-LTI IEEE-MI IEEE-VI IEEE-EI US-CO2 US-CO8 OriginalScheme switch[OCN1-Rtimer]DEF N.A ✓† ✓† ✓† ✓† ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓DEPN.A ✓N.A ✓N.A ✓N.A ✓N.A ✓N.A ✓2.5.3 Threshold valueThe value of threshold current at which the OCN (I2) element will pick-up is configured bysettings; the setting [OCN1] is provided for both the IDMT and the DT characteristic. Notethat the settings of the threshold levels are allowed to have distinct values in the respectiveOCN elements. A rating current for the input is defined either 1A or 5A using Systemparameter settings. (For more information about the rated current, see ChapterTechnicaldescription: Rated Frequency and Rated current →p. 626).2.5.4 Reset RatioThe ratio of the threshold current for pick-up to reset is applied using a setting; for example,the ratio for the OCN1 element is set using the setting [OCN1-DPR]. The reset ratios for theother OCN elements are also provided.2.5.5 Miscellaneous functions(i) Harmonic detectionThe operation of each OCN element can be blocked using a scheme switch, if the ICD functiondetects a second harmonic current caused by the magnetizing inrush current phenomenonwhen a transformer is energized. For example, for the OCN1 element, the scheme switch[OCN1-2fBlk] is provided, and Block should be set when the user wishes to block the OCN1element when the second harmonic associated with magnetizing inrush is present. Non is setfor the scheme switch [OCN1-2fBlk] as the default setting. For more information about the ICDfunction, see Chapter 2.10.(ii) Blocking OCN by VTFThe operation of the OCN element can be blocked by the voltage transformer failure (VTF)function via a scheme switch. For example, Block is set for the scheme switch [OCN1-VTFBlk]to block the operation of the OCN1 element during a VTF condition. Non is set for the schemeswitch [OCN1-VTFBlk] as a default. For more information about the VTF, see Chapter 2.20.