6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 867 -Operator WorkstationB-FramePort ATx RxPort BTx RxLAN module(C11)LAN module(C12)DataCPUIED2Port ATx RxPort BTx RxLAN module(C11)LAN module(C12)DataCPUSubstation ComputerPort B Port ATxTx RxRxDestinationDataB-FrameA-Frame A-FrameIED1Port B Port ATxTx RxRxDataCPUB-FrameA-Frame A-FrameB-FrameB-FrameA-FrameIED3SourceCPUQuadBox QuadBoxPort B Port ATxTx RxRxDataCPUPort ATx RxPort BTx RxLAN module(C11)LAN module(C12)DataCPUIED4B-FrameA-FrameRing LAN1Ring LAN2TOSHIBAF5F4F3F2F1CancelENTEROI LRCLEARTOSHIBAF5F4F3F2F1CancelENTEROI LRCLEARTOSHIBAF5F4F3F2F1CancelENTEROI LRCLEARTOSHIBAF5F4F3F2F1CancelENTEROI LRCLEARFigure 11.2-3 HSR example for ring-LAN with DANHNote: Prohibition symbol () shows the frame is removed by the next terminals.(ii) LRE switchesThe user should set On for both settings [LRE_PortA_EN] and [LRE_PortB_EN] so that theLRE can duplicate the data for A-Frame and B-Frame.(iii) Entry Forget TimePackets are transferred in A-Frame and B-Frame over the LAN. The user should set the[EntryForgetTime] to delete a duplicated frame listed in the duplicating table. The duplicatedframe will be erased when it stays longer than the setting time.For Figure 11.2-2 example, the IED1 (Source) duplicates data by the LRE. The duplicateddata (in A and B-Frames) are transferred simultaneously over the LAN_A and LAN_B. In themeantime, both frames cannot arrive at Substation computer (Destination). If the duplicatedframe is older than the setting [EntryForgetTime], the duplicated frame will be removed.The [EntryForgetTime] has default 400ms setting, but the user can change it for anappropriate value among 100 to 10,000ms. The setting value should be taken account of the