6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 694 -Setting procedureThe user should take the following steps for the Modbus time synchronization.• Set MODBUS for the [Time Sync Src]; and then, set On for the [MODBUS SYNC].• Check that the MODBUS is shown under the ActivSyncSrc, as shown in Figure 5.8-11.Clock10:00 1/2[Time] +2012-11-21 10:00:05[Format]YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss[ActiveSyncSrc]MODBUSCheck “MODBUS” is shown under ActiveSyncSrc.Figure 5.8-11 Time setting for ModbusTable 5.8-4 Modbus time synchronization data formatModbus Address[Dec] (example)Modbus address[Hex] (example) Data size Contents Range Data example[Dec]/[Hex]First address: χ(13020)†χ + 0x0000(0x32DC) 16-bits Millisecond(ms) 0-5999 5678(ms)0x162E2nd address: χ +1(13021)†χ + 0x0001(0x32DD) 2×8-bits Hour (h),Minute (m)0-230-590304(h+m)0x03043rd address: χ +2(13022)†χ + 0x0002(0x32DE) 2×8-bits Month,Day1-121-310102(Jan. 2)0x01024th address: χ +3(13023)†χ + 0x0003(0x32DF) 16-bits Year 0-99 0013(2013)‡0x0013†Note:The Modbus addresses for the time synchronization is dependent on the orderingcode of the IED software model. SeeAppendix Modbus address, exception status,return diagnostic register (→p. 1110).‡Note:The data of Modbus year begins with 2000, so “Year 2019” turns to “0013[Hex]”.Note: For your information,”64bit System Time (Data ID:303201 3310011450)” signal isgenerated with the above format.