6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 200 -To TRCOVN1-OPT-TRIP ≥1OVN2-OPT-TRIPOVN3-OPT-TRIPOVN4-OPT-TRIPOVN-OPT-TRIPOVN1-OPT-ALARMOVN2-OPT- ALARMOVN3-OPT- ALARMOVN4-OPT- ALARMOVN-OPT-ALARMOVN-ARC-BLOCKFrom OVN1 to OVN4 logicsOVN1-OPTOVN2-OPTOVN3-OPTOVN4-OPTOVN1-OPTOVN2-OPTOVN3-OPTOVN4-OPTTo Recording≥1Figure 2.18-5 Grouping logic for TRC/Recording2.18.6 ApplicationNegative sequence voltage is used to detect unbalance in the system, such as three-phase motor.When a loss of phase occurs, the motor results in the state of voltage unbalance. The voltageunbalance produces negative sequence currents; the appearance of the negative sequencebrings the influence of its raising temperature on the motor. Another influence of the negativesequence produces magnetic flux in air gap of the motor, and makes the motor to rotate in theopposite direction. Thereby, the OVN is used to prevent its damage, and the feature of the OVNdetects the negative sequence.