6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 883 -11.3.3 How to manage engineering workAn IED can have multiple logical devices, which represents protection and control functions.Each logical device has Logical Nodes (LN), Datasets, Report Control Block (RCB), GOOSEControl Block (GCB), GOOSE Publish and GOOSE Subscribe function. Figure 11.3-4illustrates the data structure in the IED.Logical NodeLogical NodeLogical NodeDataSetDataSetReportControl BlockGOOSEControl Block・・・*Set of LN variables*IEC 61850-7-4GOOSE subscribe functionGOOSE(outgoing)2. Mappingdata1. icd(cid)3. GOOSE subscribeLogical Node CONTROLApplicationDataLogical device1Logical device2GOOSE(incoming)REPORT(Event,Measurement)Input / Output Signals VoltageCurrentBinaryInputBinaryInputVCTBIOIEDFigure 11.3-4 IED Data StructureTo configure an IED data structure, the user should edit the following items using GR-TIEMS.Figure 11.3-5 shows the flow diagram for IEC 61850 configuration.• Edit Signal mapping• Edit Logical Node• Edit DataSet• Edit Report Control Block• Edit GOOSE Control Block• Edit GOOSE Publish• Edit GOOSE Subscribe• Edit Control function