6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 530 -Signal Number Signal Name Description512001 7003026D0B DEV02_BPH_REQ DPOS02 change command received. (Mapping Data) for B-phase counter value512001 7003036D0B DEV03_BPH_REQ DPOS03 change command received. (Mapping Data) for B-phase counter value… … ….512001 7003486D0B DEV72_BPH_REQ DPOS72 change command received. (Mapping Data) for B-phase counter value512001 7003016D0C DEV01_CPH_REQ DPOS01 change command received. (Mapping Data) for C-phase counter value512001 7003026D0C DEV02_CPH_REQ DPOS02 change command received. (Mapping Data) for C-phase counter value512001 7003036D0C DEV03_CPH_REQ DPOS03 change command received. (Mapping Data) for C-phase counter value… … …512001 7003486D0C DEV72_CPH_REQ DPOS72 change command received. (Mapping Data) for C-phase counter valueTable 4.2-23 Results of changing counterSignal Number Signal Name Description512001 8A03011F86 DPOS01_SLD_CSCN DPOS01 select command for Binary Output.512001 8A03021F86 DPOS02_SLD_CSCN DPOS02 select command for Binary Output.512001 8A03051F86 DPOS03_SLD_CSCN DPOS03 select command for Binary Output.… … …512001 8A03481F86 DPOS72_SLD_CSCN DPOS20 select command for Binary Output.(v) Setting nameTable 4.2-24 Setting for operation counter in DPOSxxSetting Name Description Default Setting item or valueDPOSxx-CNTS Mode selection of the counter in DPOSxx *user-preferred NA / C-On / C-Off / C-OnOff