6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 953 -IEC 60870-5-103 communication.Signal name / signal descriptionThe Data ID† (say, signal number) showing the status of the frame is set from the signallist in the IED. If the setting value (signal No.) is “0”, all setting items related events aredisable and the frame is not provided.†Note:A relevant Data ID is required to select; the description is obtainedautomatically.Type IDType ID=1 (Time-tagged message) or Type ID=2 (Time-tagged message with relative time)is selected to set the frame type. It is recommended that the frame related to status is setto Type ID=1 and the frame related to faults is set to Type ID=2. In Type ID=2, the triggersignal for the relative time should be set. For the setting, see Section 11.5.6(i).INFInformation number (INF) of the frame is set. The INF can be set to 0 to 255. When thestandard frame is provided, the INF according to the Appendix† is recommended. If theframe out of standard is provided, the INF should be set referring Table 11.5-5 and theAppendix†.Table 11.5-5 INF category of Monitor directionINF Category0 to 15 system functions16 to 31 Status32 to 47 Supervision48 to 63 earth fault64 to 127 short circuit128 to 143 auto-reclosure144 to 159 Measurands160 to 239 not used240 to 255 generic functions†Note:SeeAppendix: IEC 60870-5-103 interoperability: Semantics of Informationnumber (→page 1118).FUNFunction type (FUN) is set referring to Table 11.5-6. The FUN can be set to 0 to 255. Whenclicking the “Change all FUNs” on the Common setting screen, all FUNs are changed to thesetting values at Common setting.Table 11.5-6 Semantics of Function type0 - 127 private range128 distance protection129 not used144 not used145 not used160 overcurrent protection161 not used