6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 1085 -(PIXIT Ed.1&Ed.2)5. PIXIT FOR SERVER MODELID Ed Description Value / ClarificationSr1 1,2 Which analogue value (MX) quality bits aresupported (can be set by server)Validity:Y Good,Y Invalid,N Reserved,Y QuestionableY* OverflowY* OutofRangeN BadReferenceN OscillatoryY* FailureN OldDataY* InconsistentN Inaccurate (OnlyHz)Source:Y ProcessN SubstitutedY TestN OperatorBlocked* Supports only for GBU DCAIModelSr2 1,2Which status value (ST) quality bits aresupported(can be set by server)Validity:Y Good,Y Invalid,N Reserved,Y QuestionableN BadReferenceY OscillatoryY FailureY OldDataY InconsistentN InaccurateSource:Y ProcessN SubstitutedY TestN OperatorBlockedSr3 - What is the maximum number of data objectreferences in one GetDataValues request DeprecatedSr4 - What is the maximum number of data objectreferences in one SetDataValues request DeprecatedSr5 1 Which Mode values are supportedOn YBlocked NTest YTest/Blocked NOff NThe order of interpretation of write requestsinvolving a list of variables.Front-to-back order. This mightinfluence on write requestinvolving RptEna and othervariables in the same RCB. PreviousNext |