6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 177 -2.16.1 Drop-off and pickup settingFigure 2.16-1 shows the characteristic of the OVS element. The outer circle shows thethreshold of pick-up threshold voltage (PU), whereas the inner circle shows drop-off voltagepoint (DO). The hatched area shows the operation area of the OVS.VVPickup0DropoffFigure 2.16-1 Characteristic of OVS elementFor example, with regard to the OVS1 element, suppose the user sets a pick-up value inP.U for setting [OVS1]. Then the user should set a drop-off value using setting [OVS1-DPR],which configures the ratio of the PU to the DO.2.16.2 Delay for the operation of the OVS elementThe OVS element has a delay timer for the operation. For the OVS1 element, the user can seta delay time using setting [TOVS1]. The user can find the delay timer in the OVS functionlogic. (See Chapter 2.16.5)2.16.3 Time characteristicThe OVS element has two characteristics between a voltage condition and an operation time;hence, the user should select a mode either (i) definite (independent) time characteristic delayor (ii) inverse (dependent) time characteristic delay. For the definite time characteristic delay,the operation time is a constant. In the inverse time characteristic delay, the operation timedepends upon the level of the voltage condition.(i) Definite time characteristic (DT)To operate the definite (independent) time delay, set scheme switch [OVS1-Timer] DT.Resetting the OVS element is performed when a voltage falls below the drop-off voltage.(ii) Invers time characteristic (IDMT)To operate the dependent (invers) time delay, set scheme switch [OVS1-Timer] IDMT.Operation feature