6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 1128 -No.Phenomena Supposed causes Check / ConfirmationObject†ProcedureRelay cannot receive therequirement frame fromBCU.(The timing coordination ofsending and receiving switchcontrol is irregular in half-duplex communication.)BCUCheck to ensure that there is amargin of more than 15ms betweenreceiving the reply frame from therelay and transmitting the nextrequirement frame from the BCU.The requirement frame fromthe BCU and the reply framefrom relay contend.(The sending and receivingtiming coordination isirregular in half-duplexcommunication.)BCUCheck to set the time-out for thereply frame from the relay.Time-out setting: more than 100ms(acceptable value of response time50ms plus margin)2 HMI does notdisplayIEC103 eventon the SASside.The relevant event sendingcondition is not valid.RYChange the event sending condition(signal number) of the IEC103configurator if there is a settingerror. When the setting is correct,check the signal condition using theprogrammable LED, etc.The relevant eventInformation Number (INF)and/or Function Type (FUN)may be different between therelay and SAS.RYSASMatch the relevant eventInformation Number (INF) orFunction Type (FUN) between therelay and SAS.The relay is not initialisedafter writing the IEC103configurator setting. RYCheck the sum value of the IEC103setting data on the LCD screen.When differing from the sum valueon the IEC103 configurator,initialise the relay.It changes to blocked mode. RY Change the setting[RS485_1_BRATE_SW] to Normal.