6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 993 -Figure 12.4-12 Steps to display the status of measuring elements(v) StatisticsIt has several sub-menus.Figure 12.4-13 Menu hierarchy for StatisticsFor each statistical item, with the exception of displaying their status, the data can bereset or revised.Power Value sub-menu: With regard to statistics item, its name and its valueare shown in the figure below. The user can also change the unit of each valueby the setting1. It is allowed to reset or revise the statistics value2.Main Menu10:48 2/9Record >_Monitoring >Setting >IO setting >Time >Test >Relay Element10:48 1/24CLP >OC >_EF >OCN >THM >BCD >►◄►◄OC10:48 1/12OC1-A 0OC1-B 0OC1-C 0OC2-A 0OC2-B 0OC2-C 0► ◄Main Menu10:48 2/9Metering >Binary I/O >Communication >_Relay Element >Statistics >GOOSE Monitoring >Monitoring StatisticsSub-menu Sub-menu Sub-menuPower valueDemandPeak DemandCounterSigma IyAccumulated timeOperation TimeOperation CounterPower QualityMotor parameter