6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 246 -(iv) Single shot scheme for an Arcing fault; fault removed by a backupCBFigure 2.22-13 shows the single shot scheme for an Arcing fault, but tripping is not executeddue to the failure of the CB. Therefore, the operation of the ARC function is reset in the settingtime [TRESET] before the duration of dead timer [TSHOT] expires. Consequently, the ARCfunction determines that the local CB cannot be tripped to clear the fault.GEN.TRIPARC IN-PROGARC-S1 IN-PROGARC SHOT1 Dead time [TSHOT1]ARC CLOSE COMMANDCB Status ClosedOpenARC CLOSE SUCCESSARC CLOSE FAILCB ALLPHCLOSEFault currentARC FTARC-S2 IN-PROGARC SHOT2ARC-S3 IN-PROGARC SHOT3CB at the local end fails to openARC RESET [TRESET])Fault cleared by tripping the backup CB at the remote end†Relay operationOperatedIssuedClosedResetOpenFigure 2.22-13 Single shot scheme [ARCNUM]=S1 for an Arcing fault; remote CB† tripped†Note:the fault is removed by the tripping of the CB at the remote end; hence, the faultcurrent will no longer flow.(v) Multi shot scheme for Permanent faultFigure 2.22-14 illustrates the multi-shot scheme (S3); triple reclosing of the CB by the ARCfunction is required and executed correctly. However, the ARC function determines that thefault is permanent as the fault persists after the third tripping (i.e. the shot counter logicreaches its maximum value and the fault persists). Consequently, the ARC function moves tothe final trip (FT) stage so that the ARC will not issue an ‘ARC CLOSE COMMAND’ signalhereafter.