6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 80 -Margin=2.5° (fixed)SEF-Vpol (Ve180°)Setting [SEF1-Angle] = -45°Non-operation zoneOperation zoneSetting [RP1] = 2 wattAngle lineNon-operation zoneSetting [SEF1-Angle] = -45°Angle lineSEF-Vpol (Ve180°)Operation zoneSEF1 element in the forward characteristicRP1 element in the forward characteristic&8000011C238000011C60SEF1-DIRSEF1RP1F0.00-300.00s0TSEF1tSEF1-OPT8000011B60IeIeooForward&OffRP1 ≥1On&SEF1-EN On&Figure 2.4-6 Forward characteristic (45°) restrained by setting [RP1]=2 wattNote: If the reverse characteristic is required in the SEF1 and PR1 elements, set [SEF1-DIR]=Reverse so that a reverse one will be obtained. RP1 operation signal can befound at signal monitoring point ’RP1R’ during that time.Note: RP1 operation will be canceled by undervoltage (RP-UVBLK) and undercurrent(RP-UCBLK) elements, when the input signals are not obtained sufficiently (i.e.,Ve and Ie are less than 0.5V and 0.001A). For more information, see ChapterTechnical description: Transformer module for AC analog input (→p. 627).The RP element will be characterized by Watt metric setting; hence, a value, which is ruled bythe scalar product of an entering current (Ie) and applied voltage (Ve), should be set for thesetting [RP1].2.4.7 Setting of standby earth-faultIn which case the residual current is injected from the neutral circuit at the lower side of atransformer, the standby earth-fault protection can trip the CB located at the lower side of thetransformer; the trip command is issued by the SEF1 element, but issuing is retarded bysetting [TSEF1S2] compared with the original SEF1 issuing. The user should set On for thescheme switch [SEF1S2-EN]†.†Note:The standby earth-fault protection is only available for the SEF1 element.2.4.8 Scheme logicThe scheme logic for both the non-directional and the directional SEF1 element is illustrated