6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 329 -θs = θstop(0) ∙ 𝑒−𝑡 𝜏𝑆2⁄ × 100 (%) (2.28-7)whereθs thermal state of the stator as a percentage of allowable thermal capacityθstop(0) thermal state of the stator at the instant when the motor stopsτs2 thermal cooling time constant (minutes) of the stator, defined by the setting[T-Mot-THM-rad]The thermal state at the stator rises exponentially during motor operation to a certaintemperature that is determined by the current magnitude. When the motor has been stopped,the stator temperature decreases to the ambient temperature.Definition of the cooling time constant is necessary as well as the heating time constant. Thisis usually supplied as motor data. Normally, the cooling time constant is three times theheating time constant.Scheme logicThe scheme logic of the thermal overload protection is illustrated in Figure 2.28-9.Mot-THM-TRIPMot-THMA-ENMotSt-Irreg-OpOn8000111C23Mot-THMA_BLOCK810000EBB3 1Mot-THM AT8100111C27Mot-THMT-ENMotSt-Irreg-OpOn&&Mot-THMT_BLOCK820000EBB4 1&& Mot-THM-ALARM8100001B6E8000001B6FFigure 2.28-9 Scheme logic of the thermal overload protectionTable 2.28-8 Settings corresponded for Mot-THMSetting items Range Unit Contents DefaultMot-THMT-EN Off / On - Thermal trip protection enable OffMot-THMA-EN Off / On - Thermal alarm function enable OffMot-THM 0.40 - 10.00 A Thermal overload current 1.00T-Mot-THM 0.5 - 500.0 min Thermal time constant in generation of heat 10.0T-Mot-THM-rad 0.5 - 500.0 min Thermal time constant in radiation state 10.0Mot-THM-Alarm 50 - 100 % Thermal alarm level multiplier(Rate of [Mot-THM] setting) 80