6F2T0207 (0.01)GRE200 (5,6)- 631 -5.4.3 VCT ratio settingVCT ratio shall be agreed with the VTs and CTs on the transmission line. The user shall setratio values for VTs and CTs.(i) Setting VT ratioA ratio of the primary voltage to the secondary voltage should be set for the VT. Find thechannel number corresponding to the VT. For example, when VL1 is inputted at Channel 4 onthe VCT, the user shall set the ratio using setting [AI1_Ch4_Ratio]. In other words, the usershall set a ratio ‘3636 (i.e., 400kV/110V=3636)’ for the [AI1_Ch4_Ratio] if the primary is 400kVand the secondary is 110V. Confirm the VC channel position on the VCT.(ii) Setting CT ratioSimilarly, the user shall set a ratio for respective CT. For example, the user should set a value‘4000’ for the [AI1_Ch1_Ratio] when the primary is 4000A and the secondary is 1A (i.e.,4000/1=4000).(iii) Setting listSetting of AC analog input (FEP_MV: Function ID: 200271)Setting item Range Units Contents Default settingvalue NotesVCT AI1_Ch1_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#1 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch2_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#2 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch3_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#3 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch4_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#4 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch5_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#5 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch6_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#6 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch7_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#7 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch8_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#8 at VC 1.000AI1_Ch9_Ratio 1.000 to 20,000.000 – For AC analog input ch#9 at VC 1.000