5. Cleaning Assembly6. Holding Tray Assembly (two-sided/overlay copying, 1st side)CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-121COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseTransfer/separation chargingassembly, Pre-transfer charg-ing assemblySeparation claw(cleanerassembly)Copy paperHigh-voltagetransformer, DCcontroller PCBChecksAre the transfer/separation charg-ing assembly and the pre-transfercharging assembly set securely?Is the height of the charging wireas specified?Is the separation claw under thecleaner assembly damaged?Try Canon-recommended paper.Is the problem corrected?Step1234YES/NONONOYESYESNOActionSet the transfer/separa-tion charging assemblysecurely.Adjust the height of thecharging wire.Replace the separationclaw.Advise the user to userecommended paper.1. Check the high-volt-age transformer.2. Check the DC con-troller PCB.CauseHolding trayinlet papersensor (PS15)ChecksPerform steps 1 through 3 under4. “Fixing Delivery Assembly.” Isthe problem corrected?Is the holding tray inlet paper sen-sor (PS15) normal?Step12YES/NOYESNOActionEnd.Replace the sensor(PS15).