B. Feeding Faults1. Double Feeding2. WrinklesChecksTurn off the machine while copypaper is moving through the feed-ing assembly. At this time, is thecopy paper wrinkled or is it mov-ing askew?Try fresh copy paper. Is the prob-lem corrected?Try Canon-recommended paper.Is the problem corrected?Is the paper guide soiled withtoner?Is the height of the paper guidecorrect?Is the lower roller pressure (nip)as specified?CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-124 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseSeparationrollerSpringChecksIs the separation roller deformedor worn?Step1YES/NOYESNOActionReplace the separationroller.Replace the spring usedto pull the separationroller.CausePick-upassemblyCopy paperPaper guideLower rollerUpper/lowerrollerStep123456YES/NOYESYESNOYESNONONOActionCheck the pick-upassembly. Check theregistration roller.The paper may be moist.Advise the user on thecorrect method of storage.Advise the user to useCanon-recommendedpaper.Clean the guide with sol-vent.Adjust the height of thepaper guide.Adjust it.Try replacing the upperand lower rollers oneafter the other.Fixing assembly