IV. TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTIONSA. Troubleshooting MalfunctionsCaution:Whenever installing/removing any sensor, pay attention to the orientation/positionof the spring used to lock down the detecting lever in position.1. E000CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-83COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseSub thermistor(TH2)Main thermistor(TH1)ThermistorThermistorChecksClear ‘E000’. Turn off and then onthe power switch. Is ‘E000’ indi-cated for about 5 sec, and thendoes the power switch turn offautomatically?Execute ‘ERROR’ in service mode( ) to clear ‘E000’. Check tomake sure that the fixing assem-bly is set securely. Turn off thepower switch, and disconnect thepower plug. Does the heater ofthe fixing roller turn on when thepower switch is turned on?Caution:Keep in mind that repeating thisstep several times will cause thefixing temperature to rise abnor-mally, damaging the fixing rollerand the separation claws.Turn off the power switch, cool theupper fixing roller, and turn on thepower switch. Select the screenshowing ‘FTMP’ in service mode( ). Does the value of‘FTMP’ remain the same? (Afterthe check, be sure to turn off thepower switch.)Is the thermistor in even contactwith the upper fixing roller?Clean the contact area of the ther-mistor. Is the problem corrected?]1]]4]Step12345YES/NOYESNOYESNOYESActionCheck the sub thermistor(TH2)Replace the DCcontroller or the SSR.Check the wiring fromJ108 on the DCcontroller PCB to thethermistor (TH1); ifnormal, replace thethermistor (TH1).Install the thermistorcorrectly.End.Cont’d