48. The lens fails to move.CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-111COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseRailDrive beltDC powersupplyDC controllerPCBLens motor(M4, M5)ChecksTurn off the power switch, and dis-connect the power plug from thepower outlet. Does the lens movesmoothly when the pulley of thelens motor is moved by hand?Is the drive belt attached correct-ly?Set the meter to the 30VDCrange, and connect the probes tothe connectors J305-1 (+) andJ305-2 (–) on the DC power sup-ply PCB. Is there 24 VU (DC)?Set the meter to the 200Ω range,and connect the probes of themeter to the connectors of thelens motor indicated; is the resis-tance between connectors as indi-cated?Step1234YES/NONONONOYESNOActionCheck the rail for foreignmatter and dirt. Clean,as necessary.Attach the belt correctly.See “DC power isabsent.”Replace the DC con-troller PCB.Replace the lens motor.MotorX motor(M4)Y motor(M5)+J110-A1J110-A4J110-A1J110-A2J110-A4J110-A5J110-A10J110-A13J110-A10J110-A11J110-A13J110-A14–J110-A2J110-A5J110-A3J110-A3J110-A3J110-A3J110-A11J110-A14J110-A12J110-A12J110-A12J110-A12Resistanceabout 135Ωabout 48Ωabout 135Ωabout 48Ω