2. Replacing the Drum Heater1) Remove the photosensitive drumfrom the process unit.2) Remove the two mounting screwsq, and remove the flange w at thefront.Whenever you have removed thephotosensitive drum, wrap it withsix or more sheets of copy paper(A3/11"×17") or the drum protec-tion sheet (stored near the wastetoner case) to protect it from soil-ing and damage.3) Pull out the flange at the front, anddisconnect the connector; then,remove the drum heater from thephotosensitive drum.3. Installing the PhotosensitiveDrumInstall the photosensitive drum byreversing the steps used to remove it.During the work, be sure to take care,avoiding trapping of the cables (drumheater) and dirt or damage (drum sur-face).F. Potential Sensor Assembly1. Removing the Potential SensorAssembly1) Remove the blanking exposurelamp assembly from the copier.(See p. 4-43.)Keep in mind that the potentialsensor assembly is an integratedpart of the blanking exposure lampassembly.CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-46 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)Caution:Caution:Figure 4-314q w