2. Moving the Lensa. Moving the Lens in Y (vertical) DirectionThe machine’s lens is mounted on a lens stage, which is moved in Y (vertical direc-tion) when the lens Y motor (M5) is rotated.b. Moving the Lens in the X (horizontal) DirectionThe lens X motor (M4) mounted behind the lens stage is used to move the lens in X(horizontal) direction.3. Lens Motor Control CircuitThe lens X motor (M4) and the lens Y motor (M5) are 4-phase stepping motors. Bothmotors are controlled in the same way, and the lens X motor is discussed here.The motor is controlled by the four types of motor drive signals from the DC controllerPCB: M4A, M4A*, M4B, M4B*. The direction of the motor is changed by changing thetiming at which these motor drive signals are sent.To keep the lens X motor stationary, the lens X motor hold signal (X-HOLD) is gen-erated, thereby applying brakes in the form of a voltage lower than when rotating themotor.Figure 3-203DC controller PCBQ156Micro-processor24V24VLens XmotordrivecircuitLens YmotordrivecircuitJ110-A3-A6-A1-A2-A4-A5X-HOLDM4AM4A*M4BM4B*J736J736J739M4M5Lens (X) motorLens (Y) motorJ110-A12-A15-A10-A11-A13-A14Y-HOLDM5AM5A*M5BM5B*CHAPTER 3 EXPOSURE SYSTEM3-3COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)