7. Holding Tray Assembly (re-pick up)CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-122 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseCopy paper(sheetalignment)Copy paperSide guideplateLeft/rightregistrationHolding trayseparationclutch (CL6)Holding tray re-pick up rollersolenoid (SL6)Holding traypick-up sensor(PS17)Holding trayregistrationclutch (CL3)Holding trayregistrationsensor (PS14)Holding trayweight solenoid(SL7)ChecksIs the stack of sheets of copypaper on the holding tray normal?Does the copy paper come intocontact with the side guide plateof the holding tray assembly whenit is being delivered to the holdingtray?Is the distance between the sideguide plate of the holding trayassembly and the copy paper nor-mal?Is the left/right registration for 1stside and 2nd side within spec?Is the holding tray separationclutch (CL6) normal?Is the holding tray re-pick up trayrotating?Is the holding tray pick-up sensor(PS17) normal?Is the holding tray registrationclutch (CL3) normal?Is the holding tray registrationsensor (PS14) normal?Is the holding tray weight plateoperating?Step12345678910YES/NOYESNONONOYESNONONONONONOActionGo to step 5.Check the copy paper; ifnecessary, advice theuser to use recommend-ed paper.Adjust the distancebetween the side guideplate and the copypaper. (See p. 11-10.)Adjust the left/right sideregistration.To eliminate the contactwith the side guide plate,adjust the registration for1st sides so that0 (registration settingfor 1st sides) – (registra-tion setting for 2ndsides) 1.0.Replace the clutch(CL6).Replace the solenoid(SL6).Replace the sensor(PS17).Replace the clutch(CL3).Replace the sensor(PS14).Replace the solenoid(SL7).