D. Main Motor (M1) Control Circuitry1. OutlineFigure 2-106 is a block diagram showing the main motor control circuitry, which hasthe following functions:q Turning off and on the main motor.w Controlling the main motor to a specific speed.The main motor is a DC motor equipped with a built-in clock pulse generator whichgenerates clock pulses (MMCLK) when the motor rotates in numbers corresponding tothe revolution.The main motor control PCB uses these clock pulses to ensure that the motor rotatesat a specific speed at all times.These clock pulses are also sent to the DC controller PCB after its frequency is divid-ed to 1/4.Figure 2-106DC controllerPCBQ156MasterMain motor control PCBMainmotor RotorHall ICVWMotor driver circuitMMCLKFrequencycomparisonsignalPhasecomparisonsignalMixingSwitchcircuitPhasecomparisonFrequencycomparisonReferencesignalgeneratorcircuitry1/4 division-B3 M1FG -11-B4 M1ON-14J602UJ111Clock pulsegeneratorCHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-10 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV.0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)