Table 2-102CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-7COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV.0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)From when the CopyStart key is pressed towhen CNTR1 starts.For about 5 sec afterthe end of INTR.For about 5 sec afterthe end of CNTR1.From when the scan-ner has moved for-ward about 120 mm towhen it returns tohome position.While the scanner ismoving forward:• The distance thescanner travels for-ward variesaccording to copypaper size and ratio.• The speed at whichthe scanner travelsforward variesaccording to ratio.While the scanner ismoving in reverse.From the end ofSCRV to when themain motor stops.Period Remarks• Executed when mov-ing the lens. If thelens fails to reach aspecific position withina specific period oftime, INTR is contin-ued until the lens iscorrectly positioned.Before executing poten-tial control, the scannermotor is rotated inreverse to return thescanner to home posi-tion without fail.Determines the value ofthe developing bias (DCcomponent) for copyingaccording to themeasurement of VL2 .• Executed only in AEmode.• The registration signalis generated to movethe copy paper to thetransfer assembly.• The pick-up signal isgenerated to pick-upthe second sheet.Discharges the lastsheet.FunctionStabilizes the sensitivityof the drum inpreparation for copying.Controls the drumsurface potential VD.Controls the drumsurface potential VL.Measures the density ofthe original while thescanner is moving inreverse.The scanning lamp illu-minates the original,and the reflected opticalimage is projected tothe photosensitive drumthrough mirrors andlenses.• Returns the scannerto home position inpreparation for nextcopying.Rids the surface of thedrum of charges as posttreatment.INTR(initialrotation)CNTR1(controlrotation 1)CNTR2(controlrotation 2)AER(AE rotation)SCFW(scannerforward)SCRV(scannerreverse)LSTR(lastrotation)