CHAPTER 10 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION10-5COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)No.7891011121314151617WorkClean the transfer guide.• Transfer guide plate (upper,lower)• Transfer/separation chargingguide railCheck and clean the cleanerassembly:• Magnet roller (check)• Separation claw (clean)• Side scraper (check)Clean the separation/feedingassembly:• Feeding beltClean the fixing/delivery assembly:• Guide• Separation claw (upper/lower)• Cleaning belt (check)Provide scheduled servicing suitedto the number of copies made.Clean the copyboard glass.Make test copies.Make sample copies.Put sample copies in order, andtidy up the area around themachine.Record the most recent counterreading.Fill out the Service Sheet, andreport to the person in charge.ChecksIf the coating of toner onthe magnet roller is noteven,• Turn the magnet rollerin reverse to removepaper lint or the like.• Remove the paper lintfrom the side scraperassembly.RemarksRemove thephotosensitivedrum from theprocess unit.After cleaning,install the photo-sensitive drum.SolventSolventAlcohol