Table 2-101WMUP(warm up)INTR(initial totalrotation)CNTR1(controlrotation 1)CNTR2(controlrotation 2)LSTR(last rotation)STBY (standby)PeriodFrom when thepower switch isturned on to whenthe surfacetemperature of theupper fixing rollerreaches 205°C.From when WMUPends until whenCNTR1 starts afterthe surfacetemperature of theupper fixing rollerhas reached 205°C.For about 5 secafter the end ofINTR.For about 5 secafter the end ofCNTR1.While the photosen-sitive drum makes asingle rotation.From when LSTRends to when theCopy Start key ispressed or thepower switch isturned off.Function• Waits until thefixing assemblywarms up.• Evens out the sur-face temperatureof the fixing roller.• Discharges copypaper, if any.Measures the drumsurface potentialVD.Measures the drumsurface potentialVL.Rids the surface ofstatic charges aspost-treatment.• Waits for a presson the Copy Startkey or an opera-tion key.Remarks• If the temperatureof the fixing rolleris 100°C or less atpower-on, the pri-mary/pre-trans-fer/separation/transfer charging wireis cleaned.• The lens moves toA4 wide (297 mm)Direct position.Determines thevalue of the devel-oping bias (DCcomponent) forcopying accordingto the measurementof VL2.• In 2 min after theend of LSTR, thecontrol panelchanges to stan-dard mode indica-tion.• If the Copy Startkey is pressed(auto start) duringa wait period,copying starts atthe end of LSTR.WAIT(wait)CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-5COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV.0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)