B. Making Two-Sided Copies (2nd side)When copying on the second side of a two-sided copy, pick-up occurs on the hold-ing tray.When the Copy Start key is pressed, the bottommost sheet of the stack of copy paperon the holding tray is moved to the holding tray registration roller as the holding trayseparation clutch (CL6) and the holding tray re-pick up roller solenoid (SL6) turn on inresponse to the movement of the sheet.The leading edge of the sheet butts against the holding tray registration roller, andthe sheet arches; then, it is set to the holding tray feeding assembly as soon as the hold-ing tray registration clutch (CL3) turns on.The copy paper is then sent to the registration roller through the holding tray feedingassembly.Figure 5-603J113-B7J113-B11J113-B12J113-A10J113-B6J113-B8J119-A4J113-A5J112-A9J108-A7J112-A7J119-A7Holding tray registration clutch drive command (HTRGCD)Holding tray pick-up detection signal (PS17D)Holding tray feeding assembly 2 paperdetection signal (PS9D)Holding tray Y home position signal (HTYHP)Holding tray re-circulating bar home positionsignal (HTLPD)Holding tray separation clutch drive c ommand(HTSPCD)Holding tray feeding assembly 1 paperdetection signal (PS8D)Registration paper detection signal (RGPD)Holding tray feeding 1 clutch drive command(HTF1CD)Pick-up path 1 paper detection signal(PS33D)Holding tray re-pick roller solenoid drivesignal (HTDSD)Holding tray feeding 2 clutch drive command(HTF1CD)PS23PS33Pick-up motorPS8 Holding trayfeedingassemblyPS19PS9Holding trayregistration rollerCL3J113-A3 Holding tray registration paper detection signal(PS14D) M2PS20CL1CL2CL6SL6DC controller PCBPS14PS17CHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEM5-26 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)