G. Cleaning the Primary Charging Wire1. OutlineThe machine is equipped with an automatic cleaning mechanism for the chargingwire of the primary charging assembly which is executed when the following conditionsare met:• The surface temperature of the fixing roller at power-on is 100°C or less.• The automatic cleaning mechanism is executed in user mode. (p. 1-17)• Last rotation (LSTR) initiated every 2,000 copies ended. (If cleaning has been execut-ed under the foregoing two conditions, cleaning will be executed every 2,000 copiesthereafter.)2. Automatic Cleaning MechanismIf the surface temperature of the fixing roller is 100°C or less at power-on, the pri-mary charging wire cleaner motor (M12) rotates clockwise to move the cleaner forwardfor about 20 sec. The cleaner motor then rotates counterclockwise to move the cleanerin reverse for about 16 sec. (The machine is not equipped with a position sensor.)The RAM on the DC controller PCB keeps track of the cleaning operations so thatcleaning is executed every 2,000 copies. (In the case of continuous copying, cleaning willbe executed when as many copies as set have been made.)Figure 4-123Primary chargingassemblyWireFeeding screw(rear) (front)Primary charging wire cleaning moter (M12)(PCLM) J103-B3, B4Primary charging wire cleaning moter drive commandDC controller PCBWire cleanerCHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-25COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)