Chapter 1515-30002 During motor rotation, detection is executedevery 100 msec; however, the drive signal isabsent 5 times in sequence.Replace the fixing motor. Replace the DC controllerPCB.E019 The waste toner case is full, or the waste toner case full sensor is faulty.0000 When the waste toner case is identified as beingfull for 2000 prints continuously, an alert isissued; thereafter, the case is identified as beingfull continuously for 100 prints.Replace the waste toner sensor. Replace the DCcontroller PCB.E020 The path between the sub hopper and the developing assembly is clogged with toner.0000 The developing assembly toner sensor detects theabsence of toner, while the sub hopper tonersensor detects the presence of toner. With thedeveloping clutch turned on, the hopperfeedscrew motor is rotated for 1 sec intermittently194 times; still, the developing assembly tonersensor does not detect the presence of toner.Replace the developing assembly toner sensor.Replace the sub hopper toner sensor. Replace the DCcontrol PCB.E024 The developing assembly connector is disconnected/Disconnection of Toner sensor.0000 The connection detection signal is absentcontinuously for 100 msec.Replace the developing assembly toner sensor.Connect the connector. Replace the DC controllerPCB.0001 Disconnection of the wire used for detecting theconnection of the toner level sensor is found.When the disconnection of the wire used fordetecting the connection of the toner level sensorhas been detected for 7.5 min withoutinterruption (12.5 min in the manual /envelopcassette feeding).When the disconnection of the wire used fordetecting the connection of the toner level sensorhas been detected for 12.5 min withoutinterruption.-iR4570/3570/3530When the disconnection of the wire used fordetecting the connection of the toner level sensorhas been detected for 7.5 min withoutinterruption (12.5 min in the manual /envelopcassette feeding).-iR2870/2270/2230When the disconnection of the wire used fordetecting the connection of the toner level sensorhas been detected for 12.5 min withoutinterruption.Correct the cable. Replace the sensor.E025 The hopper motor or the bottle motor is faulty.0000 The sub hopper toner sensor connection detectionsignal is absent for 100 msec 10 times insequence.Replace the sub hopper toner sensor. Connect theconnector. Replace the detection PCB.0001 While the hopper motor is rotating, the motorerror lock signal is detected continuously 4 timesevery 56 msec. Or, while the bottle motor isrotating, the motor error lock signal is detected 22times in sequence every 10 msec.Replace the hopper motor. Replace the bottle motor.Replace the DC controller PCB.E032 The NE controller counter malfunctions.0001 An open circuit is detected for the count pulsesignal.Turn off the main power, and check the cable for anopen circuit; then, turn the main power back on.E064 The voltage of the power supply is faulty (high-voltage error).0001 The value read from the EEPORM is outside aspecific range.Turn off and then back on the main power. Replacethe EEPROM.0002 While output is being generated, the AD value ofthe primary DC voltage is 230 (DEC) or more for100 msec 2 times in sequence. (However, afteroutput, it is not detected for 100 msec.)Replace the high-voltage power supply. Replace theDC controller PCB.0003 While output is being generated, the AD value ofthe developing DC voltage is 224 (DEC) or morefor 10 msec 2 times in sequence. (However, afteroutput, it is not detected for 100 msec.)Replace the high-voltage power supply. Replace theDC controller PCB.0004 While output is being generated, the AD value ofthe transfer output current is 205 (DEC) or morefor 100 msec 2 times in sequence. (However,after output, it is not detected for 100 msec.)Replace the high-voltage power supply. Replace thecontroller PCB.0005 While output is being generated, the AD value ofthe transfer output voltage is 0 (DEC) for 100msec 2 times in sequence. (However, afteroutput, it is not detected for 100 msec.)Replace the high-voltage power supply. Replace theDC controller PCB.E100 The BD interval is outside a specific range.0001 After the machine has become ready for imageformation (i.e., the scanner motor is ready foroperation, and the laser has been turned on), anerror has occurred 50 times or more (BD error).Replace the laser unit. Replace the DC controllerPCB. Check the wiring.E110 The scanner motor is faulty.0001 The scanner motor speed lock signal does notindicate a locked state a specific period of timeafter the scanner motor has been started.Replace the laser unit. Replace the DC controllerPCB. Check the wiring.Code Cause Remedy