Chapter 44-10F-4-104.3 Start-Up Sequence4.3.1 Overview 0006-6702iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 /The system software used to control the machine is stored on the HDD.When the machine is started, the CPU on the main controller PCB reads the system software from the HDD according to the instructions of the boot ROM bootprogram, and writes it to the image memory (SDRAM) of the controller PCB.While the CPU reads the system software from the HDD to the image memory (DRAM), the control panel shows the following screen, using a progress bar toindicate the progress of the start-up sequence.F-4-11Do not turn off the main power while the progress bar is indicated, as access is being made to the HDD. Turning off the power can cause a fault on the HDD (iden-tified by E602).Main controller PCBDC controller PCBHDDReader unitBOOTDEVBOOTDEVSYSTEMLanguageRUIMEAPG3FAXDCONRCONBOOT1Progress bar32