Chapter 99-32. uses thermistor reading = T1 (deg C) occurring 400 msec after the start of 65% power supply.3)uses thermistor reading = T2 (deg C) occurring 500 msec after the start of 65% power supply.4. computes the difference between T2 and T1, refers to a power supply ratio table to compute a power supply ratio X (%), and uses the result.5. uses the thermistor reading = T3 (deg C) occurring 200 msec after the start of X (%) power supply.6. uses the thermistor reading = T4 (deg C) occurring 300 msec after the start of the X (%) power supply.7. computes the difference between T4 and T2, refers to a power supply ratio table, computes a power supply ratio Y (%), and uses the result.8. repeats step 5 through 7 until the start-up control target temperature is reached.9. when the start-up control temperature is reached, shifts to copying temperature control.F-9-3A: start-up controlB: copying temperature controlC: 65 (%) power supplyD: X (%) power supplyE: Y (%) power supply9.3.2.4 Copying Temperature Control 0006-6584iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /The machine uses this mechanism to control the temperature of the fixing heater to an optimum level while a recording medium is passing through the fixing filmassembly; specifically,1.the machine varies the power ratio in relation to the difference between the temperature detected by the thermistor and the target control temperature.2.if the temperature detected by the thermistor is higher than the target control temperature for a specific period of time (0.6 sec), the machine will decrease thepower ratio; if lower, it will increase the power rate. Changing the Fixing Film Control Temperature 0007-5452iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /When a fixing failure occurs or creases appear, the fixing film control temperature can be changed in the service mode as shown below.COPIER> OPTION> BODY> TEMP-CON (to switch the fixing temperature mode for heavy paper)COPIER> OPTION> BODY> TEMPCON2 (to switch the fixing temperature mode)0: OFF (default), 1: -10 deg C, 2: -6 deg C, 3: -3 deg C, 4: +3 deg C, 5: +6 deg C, 6: +10 deg C, 7: 15 deg C9.3.2.6 Temperature Control in Response to Automatic Double-Sided Copy 0007-5453iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /The second side of an automatic double-sided copy requires lower control temperature in comparison with the first side. For this reason, the control temperature islowered for the second side of an automatic double-sided copy so as to prevent adverse effects such as rises in temperature. Temperature Control in Response to Change of Paper Size 0007-5454iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /The machine has a function to switch the paper size during continuous mode such as in rotation sort. When small-size paper is qenerated continuously, the temper-ature of the end portion of the fixing film rises. Immediately thereafter, if large-size paper is passed, high-temperature offset might occur at the end portion wherethe temperature is likely to have risen. To prevent high-temperature offset, the control temperature is changed when the paper size chanqes.9.3.3 Cleaning9.3.3.1 Fixing Film Cleaning 0007-5300iR2270 / iR2870 / iR3570 / iR4570 / / iR2270N / / iR2870N / / iR3570N / / iR4570N / iR2230 / / / iR3530 /PurposeIn the event of a jam or when wear on the fixing film advances, the fixing film is rotated idly for collection of toner from both the film and the pressure roller to thecleaning roller.The timing of control is as follows:1. If the reading of the cleaning counter has exceeded the interval (expressed in terms of the number of sheets), the machine starts cleaning with the fixing motorrotating at 1/4 speed. The length, timing, and intervals of cleaning may be set in service mode: COPIER>OPTION>BODY>FIX-CLN. Further, the cleaningcounter reading is reset at the end of cleaning.T-9-2COPIER > OPTION > BODY > FIX-CLN0 (default) 1 2 3Cleaning control temperature 0 225 225 225Cleaning control time 0 60 60 60Cleaning intervals 0 500 200 10018085400ms500ms200ms300msA BC D E